Wednesday 5 January 2011

Main Shoot- Part Two

As I stated in the post before we were asked to choose six photographs which are all thematic with each other. I decided to go with the theme of Rivers (River Trent) I decided to split my photoshoot into two parts. I did this to show the same area which I chose to photograph in two completely different climates. Luckily we had a massive downfall of snow so I thought this was the perfect time to go down for my second part of the photoshoot. My original plan was to go down when it was dark and gloomy with rainfall, but it decided to snow instead so this was a better opportunity for some amazing pictures.

Again, like before safety was top priority and it was even more dangerous this time as when I went down it was still snowing quite heavy so I had to be extra careful this time. Again for this I took a spare battery with me just incase I ran out of battery. I also took my tri-pod with me aswell although it was quite hard to use with the weather conditions. Below are my favourite pictures which I feel go well with my theme. I have also described what settings I have used and why I have used them for the shot.

1/320, F-Stop 7.1, ISO 400
This is the first photograph I have decided to choose for my second part of the shoot. I have decided to choose this photograph because it has a great comparison with the third photograph I chose for the first photoshoot. This is great because it shows the same area but with a completely different climate which intern makes it a completely different photograph all together. On the other hand I have also chosen this photograph because it fits in very well with my theme. I managed to get a nice clear view of the river in the middle with a great surrounding landscape. I managed to position the camera perfectly to get the tree into focus alongside a clear view of the houses deep into the background. At first I chose to have the shutter speed set to 1/200 and the F-Stop set to 4.0. These settings that I initially chose were not right for the shot though. I found that after I had taken a few practice shots the photograph was appearing very bright, way too bright in fact. So I changed them to the settings labelled above. As you can see using these settings were perfect as I managed to get the right brightness alongside the right colour for the shot.

1/250, F-Stop 7.1 ISO 400

This is the second photograph I have chosen. When I was in the area for where my photoshoot was to take place I took a look around the area first to see if I could see anything different from my other photographs but still have my theme involved into the picture. I came across ten trees together next to each other with the River in front of them so this opportunity couldn't go a miss. I decided to take a few practice shots to begin with to find out what the final picture would look like. I did this to test out wether it was a good idea to shoot these trees or wether the photographs were a waste of time. At first I thought that it was a brilliant idea after viewing the first shot. I had my F-Stop set to 11. Obviously having this set to what it was made the background very visable. I was going to keep it as this setting but I wanted the viewer to mainly focus on the trees and River rather than looking at the deep background so I decided to change the F-Stop to 7.1. This made the background a little bit more out of focus but not too much so that it is completely out of focus.

My shutter speed was set to 1/250 to get the right amount of brightness. It was set to a little bit lower than the previous picture because it had stopped snowing as much and the light had dimmed a tiny little bit. At first I tried to use my Tri-Pod for this picture but I was really struggling to use it because of the snow on the ground, a few times it nearly fell over so I decided not to use it in the end and just hold the camera myself. Overall I am very happy with this picture because I fell that I have succeeded in what I wanted to do with this shot which was to make the viewer be automatically focused onto the trees and River.

1/200, F-Stop 10, ISO 400
This is my final photograph that I have decided to choose. This photograph that I took was right next to where I took the first one and was one of the last photographs I took on the shoot. The snow was starting to come down even heavier so I decided to go back to the original area of my photoshoot. This was again a very dangerous shot as I was right next to the river and could not see if there was any faults with the bank which made the shot even riskier so I took extra precautions when taking the shot. I wanted this shot to have everything in it. I wanted the river to be in full focus and look very sharp and I also wanted the background to be in focus aswell. This is why I chose to take the shot with an F-Stop of 10 because as you can see the background is in focus which adds extra detail to the shot. I decided to take a shot like this because my other shots were taken at an F-Stop that makes the background quite blurred out to make the viewer focus purely on the River and the near surroundings. Again, like before I did a couple of practice shots to make sure that I had a choice when choosing my final shot for this task. I tried a few more shots with a lower F-stop to see what the background looked like a bit blurred out but I decided not to go with that idea for this shot. I had to have my shutter speed set to 1/200 because it was getting duller by the moment when I was getting nearer to the end of my shoot so I had to let a little bit more light in but not too much because the snow was brightening up the shots anyway. What I also lie about this shot is the big stone piece with foliage growing on it in the middle of the shot. I feel that this goes very well where I have chosen to take the shot as it adds perfectly to the shot so the viewer will also be drawn to looking at this aswell as the main river itself. I also took this shot because there was a slope in the river just to the right of the shot which was creating a crashing effect at the bottom of the slope. Overall I am very happy with this shot that I have taken as it includes a bit of everything. The main piece it includes though is my theme which is the river which I have managed to add more too by taking this shot with the  river and the slope in it.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris, your images are looking lovely and are working well with your theme :) Ansel Adams was one of the photographers I mentioned to you last wednesday, also have you looked at any of the "earth from the air" books?? I have a few that I could bring in for you to have a look at...I know you wont be shooting anything like this but I think it would work well as research! I know we spoke about another photographer but cannot for the life of me remember which one?? Will have a think and see what I can do for wednesday :)
