Wednesday 19 January 2011

Presentation Research

Amongst my research tasks for this assignment I have also been asked to not only research photographers but to research ways of presentation. Now, there are many different ways of presenting images so I will be describing a few different methods which are my favourite and ones which I may well use myself for my final product.

Firstly I will start off by describing the main way of presenting images which is printing. Printing is the most popular way of presenting images as it is proberbly one of the most open for opportunity. It is the most open for opportunity because you can do so much with a print rather than just show someone. Below are many different types of printing methods which can be used to print photographs:

Digital Printing

This is the most common printing method. This printing method is designed to transform a digital image from a computer onto a physical surface (Paper). This printing method is mainly used for making alot of copies of one piece of data, mainly used for photocopying.


This printing method is a very old style of printing. This is a style of relief printing, where the image being printing is raised from the surface. Like I said this is a very old style of printing as is slowly dieng out.

Electrostatic Printing

This printing method is very much like photocopying. The image colour is attached to a drum and is then blended with the paper alongside heat to produce the image. This method is similar to digital printing and is more cost effective.

These are just a few different ways of printing an image to present but there are many more. Now I am going to be describing different ways of presenting your image that has been printed out.

Framed Photograph

This is one of the most common ways of presenting your photographs to someone. Whether it be for advertising purposes or to show a client, framed photographs can't really go wrong as you are showing the client your work at a nice size. What also makes this method a very relible way of presenting is that you can have many different styles of frames to present your photographs in which can come to a huge advantage.


This method is mainly used for portraits or a photoshoot with the same theme. It is designed so that you put most of your photos from a photoshoot that are similar into one frame. Quite a nice style of presenting images.


This is also a very common style of presenting your work. Using a book style method to present your work is very effective as this is also very open for opportunity. With a book you can not only present your images but you can also add to them aswell with text for example to really catch the viewers eye. This is also a very proffesional method of presenting images.


This is the method that I will be choosing to present my work in. A portfolio is a collction of your best work to present. You can have many different styles of portfolio whether they be on an internet site or from an application from your iPad, you can go to some great proffesional extremes to presenting your portfolio. I feel that this is the most effective method of presenting your work because you can go that extra step to show your proffesionalism of your work.

So these are just a few different methods of presenting your work. There are proberbly hundreds of other different ways of presenting your work like basic presentation of images or using slideshows etc you could go on forever with the differnt methods alongside making up new ones, there are endless possibilities. The above are the ones which I feel are the most effective and methods which I will most likely use in the future to present my work.

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