Monday 18 October 2010

Research- Andy Goldsworthy

Throughout this course I will be writing about different photographers each that either have influenced me because there work is the same as mine or I like the work that they have done.

The first photographer I will be writing about is Andy Goldsworthy. The reason I am interested in his work is because he has taken some fantastic shots of rivers which is in line with the same type of work that I am doing. When I look at his photo's I feel that he hasnt gone out to extremes on his photographs but they look really nice for the subject.

Andy Goldsworthy was born on July 26th 1956. His work concentrates in many different areas ranging from icicles and snow to different types of water photography like rivers and the sea etc. He has often used different materials in his work to create a perfect picture.

This is one of my favourite photographs I found by Andy Goldsworthy. As you can see his style of work is unique as he uses objects to create random but really good structures for the photograph. As you can see he could've just taken a picture of the tide from the sea, and in fact it would have made a good shot. But Andy likes to go the extra step to add the unusual into his work.

This is also a picture of Andy Goldsworthy that I feel is quite impresive. The picture is simple but has a special feel to it. Andy has taken this picture at the right time of day with the right light and perhaps at the right time of the year. It looks like this phot was taken in the winter season as it has a cold and misty feel to it. This is great because if he was to take this photo at any other time of the year it wouldn't look as good.

So Andy Goldsworthy I feel is a great photographer especially when it comes to taking picutres of weird objects and creations alongside natural things like water, fields and flowers etc. His work has given me many ideas for my work and has helped me out alot with different additional objects I could use for my photographs.

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