Wednesday 6 October 2010

My Camera and First Practise Shoot

I now have my very own camera, I have a Canon D1000 as shown below.

I have been out on my first practise shoot to get used to the camera and the manual settings to see what different photographs they can take. Here is one of my best shots I got of the River Trent.
1/60, F8.0
This was one of the best shots I got. I was using different manual settings to adjust to the light and finally got there. For this shot I used 1/60 and F8.0 as the settings to get the right shot for the amount of light that there was. I used these settings because the surroundings were very bright for the shot.

I feel that I still need alot of practise with the camera and the different settings so I will be going out on another practise shoot again to improve after I have done some further research.

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