Wednesday 15 December 2010

Theme Edit

 I have decided to change to rivers (Water) and there surroundings. I have decided to change my theme to this because when I went out on my first shoot to the River Trent i felt that I could develop many different ideas if I changed it to my main theme.

Research- Joseph Squillante

I have been browsing the internet for sometime now looking for different photographers that I feel inspire me and some that I feel that are unusual types of photography. Now I am going to concentrate on photographers that relate to my theme which I think are really good.

The first photographer thats work I feel is brilliant is called Joseph Squillante. Joseph Squillante is a River photographer. He owns his own company that proffesionally take photographs of a certain River. The River is called Hudson River. The Hudson River is a 315 mile River that runs North to South through eastern New York, so there is plenty of opportunity to take many different photographs. Through this research I will be choosing the photographs that I think look great for the type of photography he does and why I like them.

Highlands Nook

I thought that I would start off with my favourite picture first because its one that I can relate to in my photoshoot. As I was looking through Joseph's Hudson River photos I came across this fantastic shot. The picture is of part of the Hudson River whilst looking through the trees and shrubury to create an amazin picture within a picture effect. The reason I chose this picture is because it relates to one of my picutres I have taken for the main task. I had also taken a shot very similar to this so I had to make this one of my favourites. He has also made the photo black and white to make the photo have a sort of winterey look but not too strong which I feel was the right decision.

Lake Colden and Avalanche Pass
The second photograph I have chosen is also one of my favourites. This photogrpah shows that even simplicty can even have great rewards. This photograph is a straight shot of the River with the landscape surrounding it. Theres nothing jumping out naking this picture different but just the picutre in itself is amazing thats for sure. Joseph has been taking pictures of the Hudson River for many years now and most of his pictures like this are stunning. Again he has also made this picture black and white to add an additional winter effect due to the time of year it was taken (December). He has also managed to get a nice reflection of the River with landscape and clouds being the main reflections. Like I said simple but fantstic.

Lake Tear of the Clouds
The third and final photograph I have chosen is another photograph that looks absolutely fantastic. Again this photograph is of the river with the surrounding landscape. What I like about this picture though is that he managed to take the shot when it was misty. As you can see towards the back of the photograph near the tops of the trees there is a lot of mist which makes this picture unique to the others. I don't think I would have chosen this photograph if it wasnt for that because it makes the picture stand out more. This photograph was taken in 1983, again it looks to be in the winter period of the year which also makes the black and white desaturation look suitable.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Research- Tom Lowe

Moving away from water photography, I have decided to choose a photographer thats work is quite unbelievable. Tom Lowe's photography ranges from landscape photography to astronomy photography. It's his astronomy photography that inspires me the most.

Thomas is currently a student at the Brooks Institute of photography based in California. He shoots a number of different types of photography. He states that photography is great because there in no limit that one can achieve with a camera.

Like I have stated earlier in this blog it is his astronomy photography that inspires me. When I say astronomy photography I mean pictures of the galaxy and night sky taken from the ground.

Blazing Bristlecone, Tom Lowe
Blazing Bristlecone
This is my favourite image that actually made me want to research Tom Lowe. The Blazing Bristlecone shot is a picture of the night sky which quite obviously on a very clear night. The picture shows many of the galaxies stars and even the milky way. This photograph is absolutely stunning and it also won an award for an earth and space photography competition. I like the way he has managed to get the lighting perfect. I know that because it's dark and the night sky is bright that it was going to be easy to get the light right but the way that Tom has the light is just perfect for the shot. He manages to get the background trees looking like shadow and the tree at the front of the shot in a dark light. This enables the viewer to be more drawn to the night sky with the background still looking magnificent.

Ancient Sky

This is also one of Tom Lowe's awsome photographs. Again he has taken a picture of the night sky with trees in the foreground. The colour and lighting in this photograph in this photograph again are faultless. The way he has done it is that so you concentrate on the background (Night Sky) whilst still making the foreground look perfect.

Milky Way Behind Sierras Lake

The finla picture I have chosen from Tom Lowe's work is again a photograph of the night sky in all it's beauty. With the stars and the milky way easily visible Tom has managed to create a perfect photograph. He has also managed to get the reflection of the stars from the lake to create an even better photograph. As you can see when Tom does this type of photography he likes to have something in the foreground instead of taking a picture directly up into the night sky. This is brilliant as he manages to get different types of objects and landscapes into the shot. Even though they look like a shadow because of it being night time they fit perfectly into the photograph because of all the natural colours from the night sky.

So in conclusion I feel that Toms work is fantastic, showing off what is all around us and even adds our landscape around us from earth into his photographs making them look perfect to blend in with the night sky and galaxy.

Research- Wayne Levin

For my next installment to the research area, I am going to be researching a photographer who is called Wayne Levin. Wayne Levin is also an underwater photographer, but he takes his photography to the next level. By this I mean he will take photographs which look beautiful as they are and then he may edit them to add that extra effect to finish the image off.

Wayne Levin doesn't just concentrate on underwater photography he also photographs divers, swimmers and surfers aswell. This is why I wanted to research him because he has a wide spread variety of water photography which is just what I am looking for.

Surfer with Ancient Board
After taking a look through Levins work I thought I would start off with something a little bit different rather than go straight into his underwater photography. As I mentioned before Levin also likes to take pictures of surfers. This picture that I found was in my opinion one of my favourite surfer pictures he has done. He has captured the image perfectly and created the black and white effect to make the image ook old and to make it look like he is using and ancient board. The way this image was taken is absolutely brilliant, with perfect black and white colour and brightness I don't think he could've taken a better shot.

This is the second image that I found from Levins work. This picture is a fantastic shot of a shark swimming close to the camera with two other sharks in the background. Like I have said in my previous research when doing underwater photography you don't have to concentrate on getting pictures picture perfect but Wayne manages to get the perfect shot. Again here he has desaturated the image which creates an amazing effect. With the sunlight shining through the water onto the sharks, making this picture black and white suits it one hundred percent.